Estate Planning Series

Your Wealth Protection Team

3 min read

Brought to you by Sound Choices - AGF Education for Investors and Advisors

A comprehensive wealth protection strategy covers far more than your investments. Your tax situation, estate plan and important legal considerations are equally crucial to address, and potentially more complex. That’s why your financial advisor may choose to work in tandem with a tax specialist/accountant, estate planner and lawyer, when particular expertise is needed.

Additionally, you should recognize the most important group of people to involve in your wealth protection strategy: your family. Although often overlooked during many wealth discussions, it is essential that your family knows and understands your intentions, as well as their role in your wealth protection process.

Your team:

Here's who they are and how they can help.

Financial Advisor

Your financial advisor can help protect your wealth by:

  • Helping you establish a sound financial plan
  • Ensuring your investments are suitable for your long-term goals
  • Effectively diversifying your portfolio, which can help soften market volatility while growing your assets

Tax Specialist/Accountant

Your tax specialist and/or accountant can do more than file your taxes every year. They make sure you don’t overpay taxes – this year and into the future. A large portfolio, multiple properties, a divorce and an inheritance are some of the many reasons to get a tax specialist or an accountant involved on your wealth protection team.

Estate Planner

Talking about and planning for your death can be uncomfortable. However, once your estate plan starts falling into place, the emotion that you’re most likely to feel is relief – relief knowing that your wishes are accounted for and that your family is protected. Estate planners help you in many ways, including organizing the assets you want to leave behind, from money to properties and valued objects.


If you’re single, have no dependents, invest in a simple portfolio and do not run your own business, you may not need a lawyer. Yet life is rarely that simple and finances often get complicated with time. Children, properties, investments, divorces, etc. make legal advice necessary.

Your Family

Again, don’t forget to involve your family in your wealth protection strategy. If everyone knows and understands your intentions (e.g., what you want to do with your wealth) as well as their role in the process (e.g., who will be the executors of your estate), you will limit the likelihood of conflict and confusion. By including your family, you’ll also learn their intentions and desires. One of the best ways to protect your wealth is to ensure that everyone in your family is on the same page.

To learn more about wealth protection strategies, contact your financial advisor.

This material is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not a recommendation of any specific investment product, strategy, or decision, and is not intended to suggest taking or refraining from any course of action. It is not intended to address the needs, circumstances, and objectives of any specific investor. This information is not meant as tax or legal advice. Investors should consult a financial advisor and/or tax professional before making investment, financial and/or tax-related decisions.


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Published November 16, 2023