Global Equities

Global Equities

AGF Emerging Markets Equity Strategy

1. For investors seeking exposure to a broad universe of high quality companies in emerging market countries

2. Emerging Market fundamentals are improving at both the company and country level

3. The asset class currently has attractive valuations and a large discount to the developed market


AGF Emerging Markets Equity Strategy

AGF Global Equity Strategy

1. A diversified global equity strategy that invests in attractively priced quality companies

2. Experienced, disciplined team with long-tenured leadership since inception

3. Fundamental research focused on strong management and fair value, historical financial analysis and distinct competitive advantage


AGF Global Equity Strategy

AGF Global Select Strategy

1. The Strategy offers concentrated exposure to global equities while focusing on innovation as a key metric to identify companies that exhibit exceptional product development and corporate leadership

2. For investors looking for a complement to existing U.S. or Global Equity core portfolio

3. For institutional investors looking to participate in the growth potential of global equities.


AGF Global Select Strategy
AGF Global Select Equity ADR Strategy