Sustainable Investing
AGF believes the continued advancement of responsible investing practices across our respective companies’ investment management teams will contribute to meeting our investment objectives.
Built on a philosophy of serving clients’ unique investment goals and adhering to each manager’s fiduciary duty we encourage our investment teams to analyze the financial and non-financial risks and opportunities in an investment and look to identify ESG factors that are, or could become, material to long-term financial performance.
We believe that responsible corporate behaviour with respect to ESG factors can generally have a positive influence on long-term financial performance, recognizing that the relative importance of ESG factors varies across industries, geography and time so each investment team’s approach to implementing responsible investing practices will differ. As a result, ESG considerations may be incorporated in varying degrees by each investment team, and will have a varying (and potentially limited) impact on financial performance and final investment decisions.
AGF Management Limited is a member of the 30% Club and IFRS Sustainability Alliance (formerly SASB Alliance). AGF Investments Inc. is a member/signatory of UN Supported Principle for Responsible Investment, CERES, RIA, CDP and Climate Action 100+. AGF International Advisors Company Limited is a signatory to the LGPS Code of Transparency and UK Stewardship Code.