Private Equity

The term ‘Affiliate Manager’ refers to any partner regardless of relationship structures or revenue sharing agreements. The form of AGF’s structured partnership interests in Affiliate Managers differs from Affiliate Manager to Affiliate Manager. The structure of the relationship with a particular Affiliate Manager, or the revenue that AGF agrees to share in, may change. When AGF owns a controlling equity interest in an Affiliate Manager, we consolidate the Affiliate Manager’s financial results into our Consolidated Financial Statements. When we do not own a controlling equity interest in an Affiliate Manager, but have significant influence, we account for our interest in the Affiliate Manager under the equity method. Under the equity method of accounting, we do not consolidate the Affiliate Manager’s results into our Consolidated Financial Statements. Instead, our share of earnings or losses, net of amortization and impairments, is included in share of profit (loss) of associates and joint ventures in our Consolidated Statements of Income, and our interest in these Affiliate Managers is recorded in Investment in associates and joint ventures in our Consolidated Balance Sheets.

Affiliate Managers only provide investment advisory services or offer products in the jurisdiction where such firm, individuals and/or product is registered or authorized to provide such services.