AGF Global Convertible Bond Fund
High Yield Fixed Income | Canadian Dollar Version
Why Invest in This Fund?
Fund Details
Pricing & Performance
ETF Characteristics
Sector Weightings
Portfolio Managers & Investment Team
Average Credit Quality
A weighted average of credit ratings on all fixed income securities in a portfolio.
Average Term to Maturity
Average remaining time of each security or instrument in a portfolio to reach its maturity.
A measure of a fund's sensitivity to market movements (as represented by a benchmark index). The benchmark index has a Beta of 1.0. A Beta of more (less) than 1.0 indicates that a fund’s historical returns have fluctuated more (less) than the benchmark index. For example, a Beta of 1.10 shows that the fund performed 10% better than its benchmark index in up markets and 10% worse in down markets, assuming all other factors remain constant.
Current Yield
The annual income (interest or dividend) of a security divided by it’s price. The current yield of a portfolio is the weighted average of the current yield of the applicable holdings in a portfolio.
Downside Capture (Ratio)
The Downside Capture Ratio is calculated by taking the portfolio's return and dividing it by the benchmark's return in periods when the benchmark return was negative. A Downside Capture Ratio of less than 100% is considered desirable.
Management Expense Ratio (MER)
The Management Expense Ratio, commonly referred to as MER, is a measure of the total expenses (fees and other costs) borne by the mutual fund or ETF, expressed as a percentage of the fund's net asset value. The ratio is calculated by dividing the total annual expenses by the average net asset value of the fund for the given year.
Modified Duration
A measure of the sensitivity of a bond’s price to changes in interest rates. The modified duration of a portfolio is the weighted average of the modified duration of the applicable holdings in a portfolio.
Risk Profile
The Risk Profile is based on the historical volatility of a fund, as measured by the 10-year annualized standard deviation of the 10-year average returns of the fund. The investment risk level is required to be determined in accordance with the Canadian Securities Administrators’ standardized risk classification methodology.
Sharpe Ratio
Sharpe Ratio characterizes how well the return of a fund compensates the investor for each unit of absolute risk they assume, as measured by the Standard Deviation of the fund. The greater a fund's Sharpe Ratio, the better its risk-adjusted performance has been.
Standard Deviation
A statistical measure of the range/dispersion of a fund's performance. The more variable the returns, the larger the Standard Deviation. When a fund has a high Standard Deviation, it means that its range of performance was wide for the given period, i.e. greater historical volatility. Standard Deviation does not predict the future volatility of a fund.
Tracking Error
The Tracking Error represents a fund manager's added value variability. It reports the difference between the return received and that of the benchmark being compared to. It is reported as a Standard Deviation percentage difference.
Trading Expense Ratio (TER)
The total gross expenses divided by the fund's average net assets.
Turnover (Ratio)
The portfolio Turnover Ratio is the rate at which assets in a fund are bought and sold by portfolio managers.
Upside Capture (Ratio)
The Upside Capture Ratio is calculated by taking the portfolio’s return and dividing it by the benchmark’s return in periods when the benchmark return was positive. An Upside Capture Ratio of greater than 100% is considered desirable.
Yield to Maturity
The annual rate of return anticipated on a bond if it is held until the maturity date. The yield to maturity of a portfolio is the weighted average of the yield to maturity of the applicable holdings in a portfolio.
Yield to Put
The total return anticipated on a bond if it is held to its earliest possible put date (i.e. the date that the bondholder has the option to sell the bond back to the issuer).