AGF Elements Portfolios

AGF Elements is an actively managed investment solution that aims to minimize risk and produce consistent results for investors. We do this through:

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Expertise & Oversight

Managed by AGF Investments, AGF Elements Portfolios draw on the expertise of the investment teams of the underlying AGF mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), as well as the AGF Asset Allocation Committee.

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Multi-layered Diversification

Each portfolio is comprised of domestic and global mutual funds and ETFs drawn from AGF’s fund lineup with multi-layered diversification across asset class, geography, sector, securities and more.

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Active Management

A disciplined approach to portfolio construction and risk management designed to deliver repeatable results.

Our Distinct Portfolios

AGF Elements offers four distinct portfolios aligned against investors’ objectives, time horizons and risk expectations. Each portfolio is optimally constructed, combining a blend of equity, fixed-income and alternative funds with exposure to different styles and sectors to afford maximum diversification in one simple and actively managed solution.

AGF Elements Portfolios efficient frontier
AGF Elements Portfolios efficient frontier

AGF Elements Global Portfolio: On April 17, 2014, the Fund’s investment objective was changed to provide superior long-term returns by investing primarily in equity mutual funds from around the globe.